PushButton control
A PushButton control appears as a simulated 3D button that performs some action when pushed (or "clicked"). It contains a text label, bitmap, or icon image. To display a bitmap or icon image in a PushButton control, you must add the desired bitmap or icon on the Bitmaps or Icons project page, then select the control's Caption type and set the control's Caption attribute to the name of the desired bitmap or icon image.
The PushButton controls perform default actions if no explicit actions are defined for them. As a result, common buttons such as "Next", "Back", etc. do not require explicit actions. Furthermore, the actual dialog sequence is defined in a separate action sequence. This design makes it easier to reuse a given dialog box in different contexts.
See Dialog control IDs for an explanation of the available control IDs and their default actions.
Tip: To change the tab and Z-order of a control in a dialog box (i.e., the order in which they are drawn and how they appear "on top" of each other), select the control in the dialog/control tree in the left pane on the Dialogs project page, then use Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down to move the control up or down in the order. These keystrokes are shortcuts for the Move Up and Move Down commands on the control's context menu.
The following attributes and options are available.
Attribute | Description |
Control name | Enter the internal name for the control. This name is for use in InstallMate only; it is not used in the installer. All control names must be unique within their parent dialog box. |
Control ID | Select a control ID from the drop-down list or type a numerical ID to use for this control. All controls within a dialog must have different control IDs. For most controls, you should select Automatic; for PushButton controls, one of the standard IDxxx values is generally recommended. See Dialog control IDs for an explanation of the available control IDs and their usage. |
Caption type | Select the desired caption type from the drop-down list:
Caption | Depending on the Caption type selection, enter one of the following:
Localized | Check this box to localize the Caption field and use different captions for different languages. |
Icon size | Select the desired icon size for the control. This option only has effect if the Caption type is set to Icon. Note: If the selected image size is not present in the icon file, then the system scales one of the other icon images to the desired size. The resulting image may be less than satisfactory; in that case, you should edit the original icon file and add an image of the required size. |
Multiline | Check this box to allow the control's caption to wrap around to the next line if the text width exceeds the control's width; clear it to restrict the caption to a single line. In the latter case, it will be clipped if it exceeds the control's width. |
Flat | Check this box to make the check box appear flat; clear it for a beveled 3D edge. |
Default button | Check this box to mark the PushButton control as the default button in its parent dialog; clear it for a non-default button. The default button in a dialog is indicated with a heavier border and responds to Enter key presses. At most one PushButton control in each dialog can set as the default button; you should generally use this for the most common action, for example "Next". |
Show elevation shield | Check this box to display the UAC elevation shield on the button, next to the caption; clear it to omit the shield. This shield is used to indicate an action that requires elevation; it does not by itself elevate the button's action. Note: The UAC elevation shield is only available on Windows Vista and later; the option has no effect if the installer runs on Windows XP or earlier. |
Font | Select the font style for the text in the control by clicking ... (browse) to open the Select Font Style dialog. If no font style is selected, the control uses the parent dialog's font style. You can remove the font style by clicking X (clear). |
Horizontal align | Select the desired horizontal alignment of the control's caption from the drop-down list. |
Vertical align | Select the desired vertical alignment of the control's caption from the drop-down list. |
Enabled Tab stop Group Border Sunken Client edge Visible Transparent Don't mirror |
These are all standard control styles; see Dialog control styles for a description. |
Condition | Enter the display condition for the control or leave empty to display the control unconditionally. See Dialog control conditions for more information. |