Edit commands

The Edit menu contains commands that edit the currently selected text or project item. For easy access, the most common commands are also duplicated on the context menus of many project items.

Command Description Keyboard
Undo Undoes the most recent edit command for the current text field or project item. Depending on the item, successive Undo commands may either undo each other (thus cycling between two states), or work back on an imaginary stack of previous edit commands. Ctrl+Z
Redo Re-applies the most recently undone edit command for the current text field or project item. Ctrl+Y
Cut Deletes the currently selected text or project item and places it on the Windows clipboard. Ctrl+X
Copy Places a copy of the currently selected text or project items on the Windows clipboard. Ctrl+C

Inserts the contents of the Windows clipboard into the current text field or project item. The results depend on the contents of the clipboard and the target of the Paste command: text will be text, but previously copied or cut project items will appear as plain text when pasted in a text field, or as proper project items if pasted in the correct context.

Tip: You can use Copy and Paste to duplicate project items in an InstallMate project, or to transfer them between two InstallMate projects. You can also paste them as text in an external plain text editor, then save them (as Unicode with an .imq extension) and later reload them with the Import > Project Item... command.

Paste Plain Inserts the contents of the Windows clipboard as plain text (i.e., without formatting). This command is identical to the Paste command, except for RichText resources.  
Delete Deletes the currently selected text or project items without placing them on the clipboard. Be careful when you use this command; it is not undoable if applied to project items. Del[ete]
Select All Selects all project items in the current list (if the list allows multi-item selection; not all lists do), or the entire contents of a text field if applied to that. Ctrl+A
Rename Opens a small edit field in which you can change the name of the currently selected project item. F2
Move Up Moves the currently selected project item up in the list or tree in which it appears. This command only applies to lists and trees in which the order of the items has a special significance, for example action sequences and dialog boxes. Ctrl+Up
Move Down Moves the currently selected project item down in the list or tree in which it appears. This command only applies to lists and trees in which the order of the items has a special significance, for example action sequences and dialog boxes. Ctrl+Down
Find... (not currently implemented) Ctrl+F
Replace... (not currently implemented) Ctrl+G
Preferences Opens the Preferences dialog that allows you to configure a number of global preferences.