Alphabetical reference
The following variables are predefined on the Variables project page in most InstallMate projects. You may define additional variables, and any folders or registry keys that you create will also appear with their aliases on the Variables project page.
Variable | Description |
AdminToolsFolder | Current User Administrative Tools folder |
AdminUser | Installing user has Administrator privileges |
AppDataFolder | Current User application data folder |
BuildBase | Build target base name |
BuildDate | Build date as YYYYMMDD |
BuildDayNo | Build day number, starting from 1 January 2000 |
BuildFolder | Folder containing the build target |
BuildName | Package name |
BuildSerial | Builder's registration code |
BuildTarget | Build target file path |
BuildTime | Build time as HHMMSS |
BuildType | Build type: TSU |
BuildVersion | InstallMate version that created the installer |
CacheFolder | Current User Internet cache folder |
ColorBits | Color depth of display in bits/pixel |
Comments | Product support comments and tips |
CommonAdminToolsFolder | All Users Administrative Tools folder |
CommonAppDataFolder | All Users application data folder |
CommonDesktopFolder | All Users Desktop folder |
CommonDocumentsFolder | All Users Documents folder |
CommonFavoritesFolder | All Users Favorites folder |
CommonFiles64Folder | Root folder for shared 64-bit program files |
CommonFilesFolder | Root folder for shared 32-bit program files |
CommonFilesXFolder | Root folder for shared native-bitness program files |
CommonProfileFolder | All Users profile root folder |
CommonProgramGroupFolder | All Users Program group folder |
CommonProgramMenuFolder | All Users Programs menu folder |
CommonStartMenuFolder | All Users Start menu folder |
CommonStartupFolder | All Users Startup programs folder |
CommonTemplateFolder | All Users Templates folder |
COMPANYNAME | Name of the installing company |
ComputerName | Computer network name |
ComSpec | Command processor path |
CookiesFolder | Current User Cookies folder |
Copyright | Copyright notice |
Date | Installation date formatted according to regional preferences |
DesktopFolder | Current User Desktop folder |
Drivers64Folder | Device drivers folder (64-bit) |
DriversFolder | Device drivers folder (32-bit) |
DriversXFolder | Device drivers folder (native) |
Product support email address | |
ExtraSize | Additional installation space requirements |
FavoritesFolder | Current User Favorites folder |
FontsFolder | Font installation folder |
GlobalAssemblyCache | .Net Global Assembly Cache folder |
HelpFolder | Help installation folder |
HistoryFolder | Current User History folder |
HKAU | All Users registry hive (maps to either HKLM or HKCU) |
HKCR | Class registration registry hive |
HKCU | Current User registry hive |
HKLM | Local Machine registry hive |
HKU | Users registry hive |
IISRootFolder | Internet Information Server root folder |
InfFolder | Device driver installation info folder |
InstallDate | Current date as YYYYMMDD |
Installed | Running from installed base |
InstalledVersion | Currently installed product version |
InstallID | Unique installation identifier |
InstallLocation | Current installation location from registry |
InstallMatePath | Root folder of the InstallMate product installation |
InstallTime | Current time as HHMMSS |
Intel | Intel CPU level |
Intel64 | Intel/64 CPU level, if present |
LastExitCode | Exit code of the most recently run external program |
LastStatusCode | HTTP status code of the most recent download action |
LastStdOut | STDOUT and STDERR output of the most recently run external program |
LocalAppDataFolder | Local (non-roaming) Application data folder |
LocalSettingsFolder | Local (non-roaming) root folder |
LogonUser | Name of the installing user |
MainInstalledVersion | Currently installed version of the main product if upgrade/add-on |
MainInstallLocation | Installation folder of the main product if upgrade/add-on |
MainProductCode | Product GUID of main product if upgrade/add-on |
MainProductMaxVer | Maximum version of main product if upgrade/add-on |
MainProductMinVer | Minimum version of main product if upgrade/add-on |
MainProductName | Product name of main product if upgrade/add-on |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer's name |
MsiAMD64 | AMD/64 CPU level, if present |
MsiNetAssemblySupport | Target system supports .Net runtime assemblies |
MsiNTProductType | Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 product type |
MsiNTSuiteBackOffice | BackOffice is installed |
MsiNTSuiteDataCenter | DataCenter is installed |
MsiNTSuiteEnterprise | Windows 2000 Advanced Server is installed |
MsiNTSuitePersonal | Running on a Windows Home edition (XP, Vista, and later) |
MsiNTSuiteSmallBusiness | Small Business Server is installed |
MsiNTSuiteSmallBusinessRestricted | Restricted Small Business Server is installed |
MsiNTSuiteWebServer | Running on Windows Web edition |
MsiWin32AssemblySupport | Target system supports Win32 assemblies |
Msix64 | x64 CPU level, if present |
MSOffice | Microsoft Office registry key |
MSOfficeDir10 | Microsoft Office 2002 programs folder |
MSOfficeDir11 | Microsoft Office 2003 programs folder |
MSOfficeDir12 | Microsoft Office XP programs folder |
MSOfficeDir8 | Microsoft Office 97 programs folder |
MSOfficeDir9 | Microsoft Office 2000 programs folder |
MyPicturesFolder | Current User My Pictures folder |
NetHoodFolder | Current User NetHood folder |
OfficeFolder | Microsoft Office programs folder |
PackageCode | Distribution package GUID |
PersonalFolder | Current User Personal folder |
PhysicalMemory | Size of physical memory in MB |
PreAdminRequired | Prerequisites require Administrator privileges |
PreinstallFolder | Temporary pre-installation folder |
PRIMARYFOLDER | Name of the primary installation folder symbol |
PrimaryVolumePath | Volume containing the primary installation folder |
PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable | Available disk space on primary installation volume |
PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining | Remaining disk space on primary installation volume |
PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired | Required disk space on primary installation volume |
PrintHoodFolder | Current User PrintHood folder |
Privileged | Installing user has elevated privileges |
ProductCode | Product GUID |
ProductLanguage | Language ID of the product (decimal) |
ProductName | Product name |
ProductVersion | Product version |
ProfileFolder | Current User profile root folder |
ProfilesFolder | Profiles root folder |
ProgramFiles64Folder | Root folder for 64-bit application programs |
ProgramFilesFolder | Root folder for 32-bit application programs |
ProgramFilesXFolder | Root folder for native-bitness application programs |
ProgramMenuFolder | Current User Program group folder |
ProgramGroupFolder | Current User Programs menu folder |
ProjectFolder | Folder containing the InstallMate project file |
ProjectName | InstallMate project file base name |
ProjectPath | Fully qualified path to the InstallMate project file |
Publisher | Publisher's name |
RecentFolder | Current User Recent Documents folder |
RegCLR2Version | Microsoft .Net 2.0 installed version |
RegCLR35Version | Microsoft .Net 3.5 installed version |
RegCLR3Version | Microsoft .Net 3.0 installed version |
RegCLR4ClientVersion | Microsoft .Net 4.0 Client profile installed version |
RegCLR4FullVersion | Microsoft .Net 4.0 Full profile installed version |
RegCLR4Version | Microsoft .Net 4.0 Client or Full profile installed version |
RegIEVersion | Microsoft Internet Explorer installed version |
RegMDAC | Microsoft MDAC registry key |
RegMDACVersion | Microsoft MDAC installed version |
RegNTProductType | Windows NT old-style product type name |
RegOrganization | Name of the registered organization |
RegOwner | Name of the registered user |
ReplacedInUseFiles | In-use files were replaced |
ROOTDRIVE | Default disk drive for installation |
ScreenLPX | Horizontal resolution of the display in pixels/inch |
ScreenLPY | Vertical resolution of the display in pixels/inch |
ScreenX | Width of display in pixels |
ScreenY | Height of display in pixels |
SendToFolder | Current User Send To targets folder |
ServicePackLevel | Service pack level of target system |
ServicePackLevelMinor | Minor service pack level of target system |
SessionID | Pseudo-random 8-character session identifier |
ShellFoldersCU | Current User Shell folders registry key |
ShellFoldersLM | Common Shell folders registry key |
SourceDir | Setup runtime folder |
SpecialBuild | SpecialBuild VERSIONINFO initialization |
StartMenuFolder | Current User Start menu folder |
StartupFolder | Current User Startup programs folder |
SupportURL | Product support URL |
System16Folder | Windows system folder (16-bit) |
System64Folder | Windows system folder (64-bit) |
SystemFolder | Windows system folder (32-bits) |
SystemLanguageID | Language ID of the default system language (decimal) |
SystemXFolder | Windows system folder (native) |
TARGETDIR | Root folder for installation |
Telephone | Product support telephone number |
TempFolder | Temporary files folder |
TemplateFolder | Current User Templates folder |
TerminalServer | Target system is running Terminal Server |
Time | Installation time formatted according to regional preferences |
TinComponentsKey | InstallMate components registry path |
TinFolder | InstallMate database root folder |
TinProductFolder | InstallMate installation database folder |
TinProductsKey | InstallMate products registry path |
TinRegistryPath | InstallMate registry path |
TizPath | Original installation database path |
TsuActionItem | Current action item during installation |
TsuActionName | Current action name during installation |
TsuArguments | The installer's command line arguments |
TsuExitCode | Installer exit code |
TsuFeatureBrowsable | Current feature's folder may be browsed |
TsuFeatureDescription | Current feature's description |
TsuFeatureDisplayName | Current feature's display name |
TsuFeatureFolderAlias | Current feature's associated folder alias |
TsuFeatureSize | Current feature's installation size |
TsuFilesInUse | OBSOLETE; use ReplacedInUseFiles instead |
TsuInstalled | OBSOLETE; use Installed instead |
TsuInstallLevel | Installation level for installation |
TsuInstallSize | Total installation size |
TsuMBTimeOut | Time-out period for built-in messages, in seconds |
TsuPath | Fully qualified path of the installer program |
TsuPendingFileDelete | One or more installation files are pending deletion |
TsuPID | Process ID of the installer process |
TsuProgress | Overall progress as permille of total work |
TsuProgressPos | Number of bytes processed so far during installation or download |
TsuProgressRange | Total number of bytes to process during installation or download |
TsuQuiet | User interface level during install |
TsuRebootMode | Reboot policy during install |
TsuRebootRequired | Reboot is required |
TsuRemoveSize | Total removal size |
TsuRunMode | Installer run mode |
TsuStatus | Installer session status code |
TsuUpgrade | Uninstaller runs as part of upgrade |
TsuUserAgent | HTTP User-Agent string during component downloads |
UIAllowCancel | Nonzero to enable Cancel buttons |
UILevel | User interface level during install |
UILicenseAgreed | Customer agrees to the license agreement |
UILicensePage | Controls whether to show a License Agreement page |
UIReadmePage | Controls whether to show a Readme page |
UIRegistrationPage | Controls whether to show a Registration page |
UIRunApp | Controls whether the application is started after installation |
UIRunAppArgs | Arguments for <UIRunAppPath> |
UIRunAppDir | Start folder for <UIRunAppPath> |
UIRunAppPath | Application to start after installation |
UIShowRunApp | Controls whether to show the Start application checkbox |
UIWizardName | Display name of the Setup wizard |
UninstallKey | Uninstaller registry key name |
UninstallMainRegPath | Main product uninstaller registry key path |
UninstallRegPath | Uninstaller registry key path |
UninstallTitle | Uninstaller display name |
UpdateStarted | Installation process has started |
UpdateURL | Product update URL |
UserField1 | Product registration field #1 |
UserField2 | Product registration field #2 |
UserField3 | Product registration field #3 |
UserLanguageID | Language ID of the installation language (decimal) |
USERNAME | Name of the installing user |
UserSID | Security identifier of installing user |
Version9X | Windows 9x version number |
VersionCLR | .Net version number |
VersionIE | Internet Explorer version number |
VersionMDAC | MDAC version number |
VersionMsi | MSI version number |
VersionNT | Windows NT version number |
VersionNT32 | Windows NT/32 version number |
VersionNT64 | Windows NT/64 version number |
VersionTin | InstallMate version number |
VirtualMemory | Size of virtual memory in MB |
WebSite | Product information URL |
WinCurVer | Registry path to Windows information |
WinCurVerNT | Registry path to Windows [NT] information |
WindowsBuild | Windows build number |
WindowsCore | Target system is a core (non-UI) installation of Windows |
WindowsFolder | Windows user folder |
WindowsType | Windows product type number |
WindowsVolume | Disk drive containing Windows folder |
WWWRootFolder | IIS web virtual root folder |
XCopy | Path to the XCopy command line utility |