Installation - Readme page

The Tarma QuickInstall 2 Installation - Readme page served to specify the text for the installer's Readme Information dialog box. In InstallMate, all dialog boxes are fully configurable and you can add any number of informational dialog boxes that you like. The predefined ReadmeDlg dialog box on the Dialogs project page is normally used for this purpose, but you can change this as required. The actual texts are stored separately as RichText resources on the RichTexts project page.

Tarma QuickInstall 2 Readme texts are converted as follows when you open a Tarma QuickInstall 2 project in InstallMate:

  1. Each Readme text variant is converted to a RichText resource. In Tarma QuickInstall 2, the Readme variants were used to supply different Readme texts for different languages.
  2. The RTF name attribute of the MainText RichText control in the predefined ReadmeDlg on the Dialogs project page is set to the name of the converted RichText resource. If the Tarma QuickInstall 2 project contained language-specific Readme texts, then the RTF name attribute is localized and the various translations of the Readme text are entered for the corresponding languages.