
Note: The products on this page are no longer maintained and may be incompatible with current Windows versions and software standards such as HTML.

No technical support is available for this free tool.

WinSizer resizes the windows of popular Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera, or any other window class. Its purpose is to help web site and software designers, who typically work on a high-resolution screen, to assess their user interfaces as they would appear on smaller screens. Built-in screen sizes include 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768; you can also specify any custom size.

WinSizer screen shot

When resizing the windows, WinSizer takes the size and position of the Windows taskbar into account and subtracts that from the requested screen size. This mirrors Microsoft Windows behavior in that it reduces the available desktop area for the window. For example, a typical 800x600 screen setup has actually an available desktop area of 800x572 once the taskbar is subtracted.

Obviously, the available space inside the application window depends on its configuration: which toolbars are visible, whether or not any scrollbars are active, etc. It is up to you to configure the various browsers or applications in a way that reflects your typical audience.

Download WinSizer

How to use it

Start WinSizer (perhaps from the Startup folder on your Programs menu). It will sit in the corner of your screen until you need it. When you are ready to test the appearance of your user interface, open all browsers or application windows that you use for compatibility testing, choose the desired simulated screen size, and hit the Resize button. All eligible windows will be resized to the desired size.