Build - Diagnostics

The Build - Diagnostics dialog box is one of the pages that appears when you click Advanced... on the Package attributes pane. It allows you to control which diagnostic messages are produced or suppressed when the configuration is checked or built.

Note: The options in this dialog box apply only to the current package. To set diagnostic message defaults for all future packages, click Save as defaults (see below) or open the Preferences - Diagnostics dialog box (use the Edit > Preferences command). To copy the global defaults to the current configuration, click Load defaults (see below).

For more information and a full list of diagnostic messages, see Diagnostic messages.

Dialog fields and options

The dialog box contains the following fields and options.

Attribute Description
Debug info
Check a box to let InstallMate report messages of the corresponding severity, or clear a box to suppress messages of that severity. You can override this for individual messages by using the Always report or Never report options.
Always report Enter a semicolon-delimited list of message identifiers that must always be reported, even if other messages of their severity are suppressed. You must include both the message category and the message number, for example BLD:Q0096.
Never report Enter a semicolon-delimited list of message identifiers that must never be reported, even if other messages of their severity are enabled. You must include both the message category and the message number, for example BLD:Q0076.
Use global defaults

Check this box to use the global diagnostics defaults from the Preferences - Diagnostics dialog box instead of the configuration-specific settings. This does not copy the global settings as Load defaults does; instead, it bypasses the configuration-specific settings completely. Clear the box to use configuration-specific settings.

Note: If this box is checked, all other fields and options in the dialog are disabled (grayed out).

Load defaults Click this button to initialize the dialog's fields from the global defaults as set in the Preferences - Diagnostics dialog box. This copies the global settings; you can then change them independently from the global settings.
Save as defaults Click this button to save the dialog's fields as the global defaults for build diagnostics.