$ftimec, $ftimem functions


The $ftimec and $ftimem functions return the created or modified date/time of the passed-in path, as a serial number. If path is empty or refers to a non-existing file or folder, the result is an empty string. The serial number can be compared to other file date/times, or to the $systime function.

If the file in question was installed by InstallMate, then:


All parameters may contain symbolic references; these are resolved before the function is applied. See Examples below.

File or folder path of which to return the created or modified date/time


Here are some usage examples for this function:

<$ftimem(<INSTALLDIR>\data.txt)> > <$systime(-86400)>
A conditional expression that is True if the file was modified less than 1 day (24 * 60 * 60 seconds) ago.
<$ftimem(<INSTALLDIR>\data.txt)> > <$ftimec(<INSTALLDIR>\data.txt)>
A conditional expression that is True if the file was modified since installation. This works because the file's Created date/time is set to the installation time by the installer, whereas the Modified date/time is taken from the original source file. As a result, the Modified date/time of any file is less than its Created (i.e., installation) date/time immediately after installation. Only if the file was modified since installation will its Modified date/time change and (by definition) become greater than its Created date/time.