Standard Dialog action

The Standard Dialog action opens one of a number of standard dialog boxes that allow the user to browse for files or folders. When the dialog box is closed, the selected file or folder path is stored in a symbolic variable.

Tip: If the installer runs in silent mode (/q or /q2 command line option; TsuQuiet > 0), then the dialog box is automatically suppressed.


The following attributes and options are available.

Attribute Description
Action name Enter the name of the action. This name is only used in InstallMate and is not visible to the user.
Dialog caption Enter the localizable caption for the dialog box.
Localized Check this box to localize the Dialog caption field and use different captions for different languages.
Dialog type

Select the desired dialog type from the drop-down list. The follwoign choices are available:

Dialog type Description
Browse for folder Open the built-in Browse for Folder dialog box, which allows the user to select an existing folder or type a new folder path.
File Open Open the standard Windows Open dialog box, which allows the user to select an existing file path, typically in order to open a file.
File Save As Open the standard Windows Save As dialog box, which allows the user to select a new or existing file path, typically in order to save a file.

Note 1: The controls in the Windows Open and Save As dialog boxes are not localized and will always appear in the target system's language. The Browse for Folder dialog box is localized and will use the installation language.

Note 2: If the installer runs on a Windows Core installation, then the Open and Save As dialog boxes appear as old style dialog boxes, because Core installations do not support the new style. The Browse for Folder dialog box is not affected.

Symbol name Enter the name of the symbolic variable whose value must be set to the selected file or folder path, or click ... (browse) to open the Select Symbolic Variable dialog box that allows you to select a variable from the project. To set an installation folder path, specify the folder's alias as the symbol name. The original value of the variable is used to initialize the standard dialog box.
Indirect symbol Check this box to make the Symbol name link indirect; clear it for a direct link. If the link is indirect, the variable specified in the Symbol name field is used to obtain the name of a second variable, and it is this second variable whose value is updated by the action. With a direct link, the variable specified by the Symbol name attribute itself is updated.
Forced ending

Enter the required rightmost folder name for the Browse for folder dialog box, or leave empty if any folder name is allowed. If this field is not empty and the user selects or enters a folder path whose rightmost component differs from the value specified here, the Forced ending string is added as the final path component.

For example, if Forced ending is set to WhizBang and the Browse for folder dialog box returned the path C:\Program Files, then the action will append WhizBang and return C:\Program Files\WhizBang. If the dialog box already returned C:\Program Files\WhizBang, it is left unchanged.


Enter the localized file filter strings for the File Open or File Save dialog boxes. The Filters string must have the following format:

Filter name1=filespec1|Filter name2=filespec2|more filters...

That is, each filter consists of a description and a file specification, which typically contains wildcards. To define more than one filter, separate them by vertical bars '|'. You can use more than one wildcard pattern for each filespec if you separate them by semicolons ';'.

For example:

Program files=*.exe|Documents=*.doc;*.txt;*.rtf|All files=*.*

This filter string defines three filters:

  1. A filter called Program files with file specification *.exe
  2. A filter called Documents with file specifications *.doc, *.txt, and *.rtf
  3. A filter called All files with file specification *.*
Create prompt [File Save] Check this box to prompt the user for permission to create a new file if the selected file does not exist; clear it to omit the prompt.
Overwrite prompt [File Save] Check this box to prompt the user for permission to overwrite the file if the selected file already exists; clear it to omit the prompt.
File must exist [File Open] Check this box to only allow selection of existing files; clear it to allow non-existing files to be specified. This option implies Path must exist.
Path must exist [File Open, File Save] Check this box to only allow specification of files in existing folders; clear it to allow on-existing folder paths.
No Read-only return [File Open, File Save] Check this box to disallow selection of files that are read-only or are located in a read-only folder or network share; clear it to allow read-only file selection.
Condition Enter the conditional expression that determines if the action will be executed, or leave empty for unconditional execution.
Disabled Check this box to disable the action. A disabled action is not included in the installer and not checked during the build. You can use this option to remove actions temporarily from your installer without permanently deleting them. Disabled actions are shown with a grayed-out icon.
Platforms... Click this button to open the Select Installation Platforms dialog box that allows you to select the Windows versions on which the action must be executed. This platform selection acts as an additional condition for the action.

Related topics

Actions, Working with attribute panes