Predefined extension DLL functions
The extension DLL as distributed with InstallMate contains a number of predefined custom DLL functions that you can use in your installers through Run DLL actions. These functions are documented below.
Note: To use these functions, you must add the extension DLL to your InstallMate project. The easiest way to do so is as follows:
- Open your InstallMate project.
- Choose File > Import > Project Items... from the main menu bar.
- Browse for and select the file Insert Extension DLL.imq, then click Open.
Alternatively, you can go to the Installer options page in your InstallMate project, click on the Advanced... button, then click on the Extension DLL tab and enter the paths to the extension DLL versions there.
The predefined functions are listed below. Follow the links to see the details about the arguments that each function expects.
Name | Description |
CheckFileAccess | Check access to one or more files. |
CreateShortcut | Create a shortcut to a file or folder. |
FindOcxVersion | Find the version of an ActiveX control (.ocx file) and store it in a variable. |
FindVersion | Find the .exe/.dll version of a file and store it in a variable. |
FReplaceStr | Replace text strings in a text file. |
FResolveSyms | Resolve symbolic variable references in a text file |
GetAcrobatReaderVersion | Find the currently installed version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and store it in a variable. |
GetMediaPlayerVersion | Find the installed version of Windows Media player and store it in a variable. |
GetQuickTimeVersion | Find the installed version of Apple QuickTime player and store it in a variable. |
GetSWFlashVersion | Find the installed version of Adobe Shockwave Flash player and store it in a variable. |
GetSWPlayerVersion | Find the installed version of Adobe Shockwave player and store it in a variable. |
KillProcess | Kill one or more running processes. |
LogMessage | Log a message to the installer log. |
LookupSid | Retrieve the domain and account name associated with a security Identifier (SID). |
SetRegValue | Sets a registry value |
Sleep | Sleep for 'n' milliseconds. |