Technical support

If you require technical support, please send an email message to Your feedback is an important source for our product development, so feel free to get in touch. Although we try to answer all queries within 24 hours of receipt, we cannot guarantee this. However, if you haven't heard back from us within 4 business days, please resubmit your query; it might have gone missing or eaten by our anti-spam filter.

Email requirements

Self-help technical support

Before sending an email, please check the following resources:

Defect reporting (bugs)

If you think that you have found a problem with InstallMate, send an email to To streamline the resolution of your problem, it helps if you provide us with the following information:

Synopsis - A short summary of the problem you are experiencing.

Details - Describe how we can reproduce the problem. This is very important; if we cannot reproduce the problem, we cannot solve it either.

Version - The versions of InstallMate and Windows that you are using; use Help > About InstallMate to get all the details.

Example - If possible, include an .im9 project file that illustrates the problem. Please note the Email requirements above.

Feature requests

If you have a suggestion for a new feature, send an email message to While we cannot promise to honor all requests, we will do our best to accommodate you either by incorporating the feature, or by suggesting a workaround. Please include the following information with your request:

Synopsis - A short summary of the feature you would like to see added.

Details - Describe what the feature should do and where it fits in InstallMate.

Version - The InstallMate version you are using; see Help > About InstallMate.

Rationale - If possible, provide us with the reasons why you think this feature is important. This helps us to prioritize the requests that we receive.