Digitally Signing the Setup Package

Digital signatures are used to verify the integrity and authenticity of digital messages, including software such as Setup packages. InstallMate provides features that make it easy to add a digital signature to the Setup packages that you create with InstallMate.

Note - The topic Digital Signatures in the online help provides important background information about digital signatures. We strongly recommend that you read it before attempting to follow the instructions below.

How to configure the code signing options

Before you attempt to sign a Setup package for the first time, you should configure a number of code signing options. This has to be done only once; from then on, InstallMate will use the options for each project that you create.

To configure the code signing options, act as follows.

  1. Make sure that you have a valid digital certificate and associated private key. Again, refer to Digital Signatures for information about obtaining these.
  2. Open the Preferences - Code signing dialog by choosing the Edit > Preferences command from the main menu, then clicking the Code signing tab.

  3. Follow the instructions in Preferences - Code signing to set the appropriate code signing options.

  4. Click OK to save the code signing settings and close the dialog.

How to sign your Setup package after each build

To sign your Setup package automatically after each successful project build, act as follows.

  1. Make sure that you have configured the code signing options properly (see How to configure the code signing options above).
  2. Open or create the InstallMate project for your application's Setup package.
  3. Select the Project overview page by clicking on its title in the Navigation Area.
  4. In the Package pane, check the Sign after build option.
  5. Until you clear this box, InstallMate will automatically sign your installer at the end of each successful project build, which makes it all but impossible to forget. (Note that this is a per-project setting that applies only to the project in which you checked it.)