Select Dialog Event

The Select Dialog Event dialog appears when you add a new event handler to a dialog box on the Dialogs project page, or when you change the event name for an existing event handler. It allows you to select the dialog box or control that acts as the event source, plus the actual event to which the handler must respond.

Dialog fields and options

This dialog box contains the following fields and options.

Attribute Description
Event source Select the source for the event that must be handled. The first item in the list is the dialog box itself; the other items are the controls that appear in the dialog box.
Available events

Select the event that must be handled. The available events depend on the source type; the following table explains them.

Event Applies to Description
OnClicked CheckBox, PushButton, RadioButton, StaticText controls

Issued when the user clicks the button or hyperlink. It is typically used to perform one or more actions that show additional dialogs, or to control which dialog box will be shown next in the installation sequence (next or previous).

Note: For StaticText controls, this event is only generated if the control's Type is set to Hyperlink.

Note: If a control does not have an explicit event handler, it will perform a default action based on its Control ID attribute when clicked. For example, if a button with the IDNEXT control ID has no explicit event handler, it will cause the current dialog to be closed and the next action in its action sequence to be performed.

Therefore, you do not have to add event handlers for controls that use one of the standard control identifiers, unless you want that control to perform a non-default action.

OnHideWindow All windows Issued when the dialog or control is hidden (not destroyed). This event is rarely used.
OnInitDialog Dialog boxes Issued just before a dialog is shown for the first time. It is typically used to perform additional initialization of the dialog or its controls.
OnSelectionChanged ComboBox, ListBox, OptionTree controls

Issued after the user selected a new item in a combo box, list box, or feature tree control. It is typically used to show or hide related items.

Note: You can often accomplish a similar effect more easily by defining a control condition for the affected controls and use the combo box's or list box's symbol in the condition. This will enable or disable the control instead of showing or hiding it.

OnShowWindow All windows Issued when the dialog or control is shown after having been hidden. This event is rarely used.
OnTextChanged ComboBox, EditText controls

Issued when the text in an text edit control changes, whether because the user typed some text, or because it was programmatically changed.

Note: For ComboBox controls, this event is only generated if the Combo style is set to Dropdown.