Set Variable action
The Set Variable action assigns a new value to a symbolic variable. The new value may contain its own symbolic variable references; they are evaluated when the value is assigned. You can also use this action to assign an installation folder path to a folder alias or a registry key path to a registry alias; simply specify the folder or registry key alias as the Symbol name (below).
The following attributes and options are available.
Attribute | Description |
Action name | Enter the name of the action. This name is only used in InstallMate and is not visible to the user. |
Symbol name | Enter the name of the symbolic variable whose value must be set, or click ... (browse) to open the Select Symbolic Variable dialog box that allows you to select a variable from the project. To set an installation folder path, specify the folder's alias as the symbol name; to set a registry key path, specify the registry key's alias. |
Indirect symbol | Check this box to make the Symbol name link indirect; clear it for a direct link. If the link is indirect, the variable specified in the Symbol name field is used to obtain the name of a second variable, and it is this second variable whose value is updated by the action. With a direct link, the variable specified by the Symbol name attribute itself is updated. |
Symbol value | Enter the new value for the selected symbol. This value may contain its own symbolic variable references; they are evaluated when the value is assigned. |
Localized | Check this box to localize the Symbol value field and use different symbol values for different languages. |
CPU | Select the Windows architectures on which the action must be executed. This CPU selection acts as an additional condition for the action. |
Condition | Enter the conditional expression that determines if the action will be executed, or leave empty for unconditional execution. |
Disabled | Check this box to disable the action. A disabled action is not included in the installer and not checked during the build. You can use this option to remove actions temporarily from your installer without permanently deleting them. Disabled actions are shown with a grayed-out icon. |