End Dialog action

The End Dialog action closes a modal or modeless dialog box and (for modal dialog boxes only) sets the dialog box result. The dialog box must have been opened by a Run Dialog action. If you use this action to close a modal dialog box, then the Modal result (below) affects the execution of the action sequence that opened the dialog box; see standard control IDs for more information. For modeless dialog boxes, the dialog result is ignored.


The following attributes and options are available.

Attribute Description
Action name Enter the name of the action. This name is only used in InstallMate and is not visible to the user.
Dialog name

Enter the name of the dialog box to close, or click ... (browse) to open the Select Target Dialog dialog box that allows you to select one of the available dialog boxes. If the dialog box is not open when the action is executed, it has no effect. If the action is part of an event handler, it can close the dialog box in which the event handler runs.

Modal result

Select the desired dialog result from the drop-down list. The available choices correspond to the standard control IDs and determine how the action sequence that opened the dialog box originally will proceed.

Note: This attribute only has effect for modal dialog boxes; for modeless dialog boxes, the result is ignored. Whether a dialog box is modal or modeless, is determined by the Run Dialog action that opens the dialog box.

CPU Select the Windows architectures on which the action must be executed. This CPU selection acts as an additional condition for the action.

Enter the conditional expression that determines if the action will be executed, or leave empty for unconditional execution.

Disabled Check this box to disable the action. A disabled action is not included in the installer and not checked during the build. You can use this option to remove actions temporarily from your installer without permanently deleting them. Disabled actions are shown with a grayed-out icon.

Related topics

Actions, Dialogs, Working with attribute panes