Invalid registration certificate: error 0x%08X.

Please make sure that you have copied the correct certificate.

Indicates that the registration certificate is not valid for the current version of InstallMate. This may be due to missing information (e.g., an incomplete copy), or because it is intended for a different product or version.

License certificate error codes

The following are common certificate error codes:

Error code Description
0x80090005 Bad data. In all likelihood, you are trying to use an ExpertInstall 3.x, Installer 5.x, InstallMate 7.x, or InstallMate 9.x certificate in InstallMate 11.
0x8009000A Invalid type specified. This is caused by missing or incomplete cryptographic support on your computer. You must either update your Windows installation, or switch to a different computer with a more up to date Windows version.
0x8009000F Object already exists. This generally indicates a problem with the Windows cryptographic state on your computer. Try logging in to Windows with a different user account and register the software under that account. (Software registration is done on a per-user basis; you must use the software under the same account(s) that you used for registration.)
0xEBAD8000 General error. Contact if you encounter this.
0xEBAD8001 Invalid license type. The certificate is not an InstallMate certificate.
0xEBAD8002 Invalid license subtype. The certificate is not an InstallMate certificate.
0xEBAD8003 Invalid product type. The certificate is not an InstallMate v9 certificate.
0xEBAD8004 Invalid product subtype. The certificate is not an InstallMate v9 certificate.
0xEBAD8005 Invalid registered name. The registered name does not match the certificate.
0xEBAD8006 Certificate does not have expected BEGIN line. Make sure that you copy all lines.
0xEBAD8007 Certificate does not have expected END line. Make sure that you copy all lines.
0xEBAD8008 Certificate does not have expected format. Make sure that you copy the certificate from a plain text email viewer or text editor, not from a RichText or HTML one.
0xEBAD8009 Invalid certificate data. The certificate data appears garbled. Make sure that you copy the certificate from a plain text email viewer or text editor, not from a RichText or HTML one.


Error code; see table above.


This message usually indicates a problem with the copy & paste operation that you used to copy the registration certificate into the License registration dialog. For a valid certificate, you must copy all lines, starting with -----BEGIN TARMA CERTIFICATE----- and ending with -----END TARMA CERTIFICATE-----. You may include more lines, but not less.

Check the human-readable information from the certificate to make sure that it is intended for the current version of InstallMate. If so, then try to copy and paste the registration certificate again, making sure that you include the entire certificate. If it still fails, then please contact our technical support staff, quoting the error code from the message.