New Project - Confirm

The New Project - Confirm wizard page is the final page of the File > New wizard. It allows you to review and confirm the options for the project that you are about to create. Once you are satisfied with the options, click Finish to create the project, or click Back to revise one or more options. After you click Finish, a popup dialog box will prompt you for the file name of the new InstallMate project.

Dialog fields and options

This dialog box contains the following fields and options.

Attribute Description
Product name Displays the name of the product (without version number) for the project that you are about to create.
Publisher name Displays the name of the product's publisher.
Main executable Displays the full path to the main executable of your project if you chose one on the New Project - Options page, else is blank. If specified, the new project will be initialized with information from that file and the folder containing the file will be added as an installation folder to the InstallMate project.
Installer template Displays the name of the project template that will be used for the installer. This template can be chosen on the New Project - Template page, but in most cases is simply Standard without additional options.
UI languages Lists all languages that you selected on the New Project - Languages page.