The TWUGetVersionInfo function retrieves the fixed VERSIONINFO for a local file. This version information can be used for version comparisons prior to updates.
Tip: TWUCheckUpdateVersion combines the functionality of TWUGetVersionInfo with a version comparison. You might find it more convenient to use that function.
URESULT TWUGetVersionInfo( const TCHAR *pszFilePath, VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *pFFI );
Delphi version:
function TWUGetVersionInfo( pszFilePath: PTCHAR; var pFFI: VS_FIXEDFILEINFO ): URESULT;
- pszFilePath
- [Input] Fully qualified local file path from which to retrieve the version information.
- pFFI
- [Output] Pointer to a buffer that receives the version information from the file, if any. If the file cannot be found or does not have a VERSIONINFO resource, all data members of this buffer are set to 0.
Return value
If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS (0). If it fails, it returns a nonzero Win32 API error code. You can use TWUGetErrorMessage to retrieve the error message that corresponds to the error code.