
The TWUGetEventArg function returns a pointer to an additional callback event parameter. It can be used to obtain raw (i.e., unformatted) event data. See fTWUCallback for a per-event list of additional arguments.

const TCHAR * TWUGetEventArg(
    const TCHAR *pszEventMsg,
    UINT uIndex

Delphi version:

function TWUGetEventArg(
    pszEventMsg: PTCHAR;
    uIndex: UINT


[Input] Pointer to the pszEventMsg string that was passed in to the fTWUCallback function.
[Input] 0-based index of the desired argument. See fTWUCallback for a per-event list of additional arguments.

Return value

The function returns a pointer to the requested argument, or NULL if an error occurs or the requested uIndex-th argument does not exist.