$errmsg function


The $errmsg function returns the Windows error message corresponding to the error code code. The code parameter is optional; if you leave it out, then the error message corresponding to <LastExitCode> is returned. This means that the following two calls are equivalent:

Note: The error message uses the current user's Windows language setting, regardless of the user interface language used in the installer.


All parameters may contain symbolic references; these are resolved before the function is applied. See Examples below.

Windows error code for which to retrieve the corresponding error message. This parameter is optional; if you omit it, then the value of <LastExitCode> is used.


Here are some usage examples for this function:

Returns the error message corresponding to the current <LastExitCode> value.
Same result as the previous example.
Returns the Windows error message corresponding to Windows error #5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED).