Runtime functions

The following runtime functions are available in InstallMate.

Function Description
$dateadd Adds (or subtracts) a number of days, months, or years from a date
$datediff Returns the difference between two dates, in days
$dateiso Returns a date formatted acoording to ISO 8601
$datelocal Returns a date formatted according to the current locale
$datenow Returns a date some number of days, months, or years from the current date
$errmsg Returns the Windows error message corresponding to a given error code or <LastExitCode>
$eval Returns the expansion of a symbolic expression
$fagec, $fagem Returns the created or modified age of a file, in seconds
$fbase Returns the file name without extension of the passed-in path
$fdatec, $fdatem Returns the file's created or modified date as yyyymmdd
$fdir Returns the passed-in path minus its rightmost component
$fexist Returns nonzero if the passed-in path exists, zero otherwise
$fext Returns the extension of the file in the passed-in path
$fname Returns the rightmost component of the passed-in path
$fread Returns the text contents of the passed-in file
$froot Returns the root folder on the volume of the passed-in path
$fsize Returns the size of the passed-in file
$ftimec, $ftimem Returns the created or modified timestamp of the file, as a serial date/time
$fverf Returns the file version of the passed-in file
$fverfcmp Compares the file version of the passed-in file to a given version
$fverp Returns the product version of the passed-in file
$fverpcmp Compares the product version of the passed-in file to a given version
$ifte Performs conditional assignment
$iisdata Returns Internet Information Server metadata
$iispath Returns Internet Information Server path information
$instr Returns the position of a search string in another string
$lfn Returns the long file name version of the passed-in path
$part Returns a subpart of the passed-in string
$rkaccess Checks access to a registry key
$sfn Returns the short file name (8.3) version of the passed-in path
$shpath Returns one of the shell special folder paths
$srcpath Returns the build time or installation time source path for an installation file
$strlower Returns the passed-in string converted to lowercase
$strsubst Replaces substrings in the passed-in path
$strtrim Removes leading and trailing spaces from the passed-in string
$strupper Returns the passed-in string converted to uppercase
$syspath Returns one of a number of predefined system-specific folder paths
$systime Returns the current system time as a serial number, with optional offset
$sysval Returns one of a number of predefined system-specific data items
$vercmp Compares two version numbers