TSU Debug messages
- TSU:D0001 - %1=%2
- TSU:D0002 - Folder alias %1 resolved to %2
- TSU:D0003 - Registry key alias %1 resolved to %2
- TSU:D0004 - File alias %1 resolved to %2
- TSU:D0005 - Shortcut %1 target path resolved to %2
- TSU:D0006 - Symbol %1 value changes from %2 to %3
- TSU:D0007 - Installation item %1[%2]: Old state=%3, New state=%4; No components; Actions {i:%5, r:%6 => %7}
- TSU:D0008 - Installation item %1[%2]: Old state=%3, New state=%4, Installed=%5, Install=%6, Remove=%7; Actions {i:%8, r:%9 => %10}
- TSU:D0009 - GetFixedFileInfo(%1) failed: %w2
- TSU:D0010 - LoadLibraryEx(%1) loaded @%2
- TSU:D0011 - LoadLibraryEx(%1) failed: %w2
- TSU:D0012 - GetProcAddress(%1,%2) found %3
- TSU:D0013 - GetProcAddress(%1,%2) failed: %w3
- TSU:D0014 - Using existing folder %1
- TSU:D0015 - LoadLibraryShim(%1) loaded @%2
- TSU:D0016 - LoadLibraryShim(%1) failed: %w2
- TSU:D0017 - GetCORVersion returned %1
- TSU:D0018 - ICLRRuntimeInfo::GetVersionString() returned %1
- TSU:D0019 - ICLRRuntimeInfo::LoadLibrary(%1) loaded @%2
- TSU:D0020 - ICLRRuntimeInfo::LoadLibrary(%1) failed: %w2
- TSU:D0021 - CLRCreateInstance failed: %w1
- TSU:D0022 - ICLRMetaHost::GetRuntime(%1) failed: %w2
- TSU:D0023 - CorBindToRuntimeEx failed: %w1
- TSU:D0024 - CreateMutex(%1) returned %w2
- TSU:D0025 - %1: Architecture(s) %2 not applicable on system architecture %3
- TSU:D0026 - %1: Condition "%2" evaluated to %3
- TSU:D0027 - %1: Not executed in Quiet mode
- TSU:D0028 - Component %1: condition "%2" => %3, changing state from %4 to %5
- TSU:D0029 - Ignoring existing mutex %1 due to /x command line option
- TSU:D0030 - Component %1: Architectures %2 not supported, changing state from %3 to %4
- TSU:D0031 - Component %1: Language %2 not supported, changing state from %3 to %4
- TSU:D0032 - SysPath(%1) => %2
- TSU:D0033 - SysVal(%1,%2) => %3
- TSU:D0034 - ICLRRuntimeInfo::GetRuntimeDirectory() returned %1
- TSU:D0035 - ICLRRuntimeInfo::GetRuntimeDirectory() failed: %1
- TSU:D0036 - CLR 4+ runtime enumeration failed: %1
- TSU:D0037 - GetCORVersion() failed: %1
- TSU:D0038 - GetCORSystemDirectory() returned %1
- TSU:D0039 - GetCORSystemDirectory() failed: %1
- TSU:D0040 - GetCachePath() returned %1
- TSU:D0041 - GetCachePath() failed: %1
- TSU:D0042 - ICLRRuntimeInfo::GetVersionString() failed: %1
- TSU:D0043 - Component %1: changing state from %2 to persistent state %3
- TSU:D0044 - -----Starting action sequence %1 @depth %2-----
- TSU:D0045 - -----Finished action sequence %1 @depth %2 with result %3-----
- TSU:D0046 - -----Morphing action sequence %1 @depth %2 into sequence %3-----
- TSU:D0047 - Action %1 result %2 in sequence %3 causes error exit
- TSU:D0048 - Action %1 result %2 in sequence %3 causes normal exit
- TSU:D0049 - Finishing action sequence %1 @depth %2 with result %3
- TSU:D0050 - Error exit from action sequence %1 @depth %2 closes all associated dialogs
- TSU:D0051 - Resource type RT_STRING, id=%1, language %2 not found
- TSU:D0052 - Resource type %1, id=%2, language %3, module %4 not found
- TSU:D0053 - CreateDialog(%1) failed: %w2
- TSU:D0054 - DialogBox(%1) failed: %w2
- TSU:D0055 - Installation file %1 not found in database
- TSU:D0056 - Action %1: stored file %2 not found in database
- TSU:D0057 - Preinstall: stored file %1 not found in database
- TSU:D0058 - Folder %1 installation state set to pending delete
- TSU:D0059 - Trying to remove pending delete folder %1
- TSU:D0060 - File or folder %1 no longer present: %w2